GDPR and Data Processing

tl;dr: EU has new privacy laws that affect the way we process some data. We’re increasing the control you have over the information we process, and clarifying the way we process that information. If you’re affected by the age of eligibility, read more here.

The European Union recently passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which affects the way data passes through Europe. So, we’ve changed the way we store and process player data for ALL players. The way you log in and play the game is the same, but anyone under 16 and living in Europe may need approval from their parent or guardian before creating or using an account.

Our announcement message goes over the basics, but we’ll try to answer some more specific questions here.

I’m under my country’s age of eligibility. What’s going to happen to my account?

Basically, we’ll send your parents an email, they’ll confirm, and you’ll be back in action. Check out this article for more info!

Under GDPR, each country in the EU has its own age of eligibility. If you’re under this age, you can’t do things like play League without letting your parents know. So, your account is locked tight until they respond to our email or until you reach the age of eligibility in your country. Once you reach the age of eligibility, your account will be unlocked automatically.

How does this affect purchased content on my account?

It doesn’t! You’ll still have all of the items you’ve earned or purchased on your account, even if you’re under the age of eligibility.

I live in the European Union, but I play on a server other than EUW/EUNE. How does GDPR affect me?

As a citizen of the European Union, you’re still protected under the GDPR. As such, you’re able to see, manipulate, or delete data related to your account (on a Riot region) in the same way as EU players on EUW/EUNE. You will also be held to the same age restrictions.

How can I get information about my account?

Send us a ticket and we’ll begin processing a data request for your account (Use the dropdown “I need help with account management, data requests, or deletion). After a 30-day waiting period, we’ll email you a summary of the information we have on your account.

Does GDPR affect my ability to delete sensitive data from my account?

The only way to remove your data is to delete your account. Once we delete it, it’s gone forever. If you’d ever like to permanently delete your account, send us a ticket. Once we verify that you’re the original creator of the account, we can get started. We typically wait 30 days before deleting content in this way, because once we delete it, there is absolutely no way to recover it. You will not be able to log in to your account during the 30 day wait period, but you can message us to cancel the deletion up to 5 days before the account is deleted.
