Is there anything better than opening Loot rewards and getting more rewards!? We agree! And that’s what Loot Milestones are all about.
What are Loot Milestones?
Simply put, you get additional rewards and loot for opening multiple Showcase Capsules within a specific window of time.
Showcase Capsules can be purchased from the Store for 750 RP.
What are Showcase Capsules?
“Showcase Capsules” are exclusive Loot Capsules available for purchase only during Showcases. Opening a Capsule results in 3 random skin shards and each also has a chance to contain a Grab Bag with additional skin shards.
Masterwork Milestones (Deprecating)
With Patch 25.S1.1, we're deprecating Masterwork Milestones to focus progression on the Battle Pass system. You can (and should!) open any remaining Masterwork Chests you have to unlock your Masterwork milestone rewards, which will officially be deactivated at the end of Season 1 Act 1 in patch 25.S1.5 on March 5, 2025. At that point, you'll auto-claim any remaining rewards. You can still open any Masterwork Chests remaining in your inventory, but it won't progress through any milestones.
What are Showcase Milestones?
Every time you open a Showcase Capsule, you earn progress towards your Showcase Milestones.
You have approximately 2 Patches to complete your Showcase Milestones and claim all your rewards:
- 1 Capsule: Exclusive Icon
- 3 Capsules: Exclusive Emote + 5 Mythic Essence
- 5 Capsules: Random Showcase Skin Permanent (1350 RP) + 15 Mythic Essence
- 10 Capsules: Random Showcase Skin Permanent (1350 RP) + 20 Mythic Essence
- 15 Capsules: Random Showcase Skin Permanent (1350 RP) + 25 Mythic Essence
- 20 Capsules: Random Showcase Skin Permanent (1350 RP) + 1 Grab Bag + 30 Mythic Essence
- 25 Capsules: 2 Grab Bags + 30 Mythic Essence
These rewards may change in the future, so always be sure to check your client for the latest info!
Showcase Milestone rewards are Click-to-Claim and cannot be claimed after the Showcase Milestone has expired, so claim rewards as soon as they are ready!
Where can I track my Loot Milestone progress?
- Click into your Loot tab via the upper navigation bar of your League Client
- In your Materials section, click a Showcase Capsule
- You'll now see your total Milestone progress to the lower right, where you can also choose to open all your currently held Showcase Capsules
Loot Milestone Progress Does Not Transfer
Please know that Loot Milestone progress does not transfer with you should you transfer servers. Any unclaimed rewards WILL NOT transfer, either. Claim them before you go!
Where do I get Showcase Capsules?
Showcase Capsules (and by extension, Showcases) are only available occasionally throughout the year. Showcase Capsules can be purchased directly from the Store for 750 RP per capsule.
How long do I have to complete a Showcase Capsule Milestone?
Timing will vary slightly Showcase to Showcase, but players will have 2 Patches minimum to complete their Showcase Milestones. Always check your client for the final timing and related details. There’s an on-screen timer in the same place you check your Showcase Milestone progress.