Mythic Shop and Mythic Essence FAQ

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What is Mythic Essence? 

Mythic Essence (ME) is an ultra rare currency that can be exchanged for a variety of equally rare goodies.

How do I get more Mythic Essence? 

Starting 2025, ME is primarily available as a possible reward from the Sanctum.

What can I craft with Mythic Essence?

ME can be used to craft rare content in the Mythic Store including:

  • Unvaulted Prestige Skins
  • Unvaulted Mythic Skins
  • New Prestige Skins
  • Mythic Emotes
  • Animated Emotes
  • Mythic Chroma + Icon (requires Mythic Skin ownership)
  • Event Chromas & Accessories
  • Nexus Finishers 

What is the Mythic Shop? 

The Mythic Shop is where we debut some new exclusive content as well as provide a second chance at releases you may have missed. It's accessible via the Loot Tab in your League Client. There, you can spend Mythic Essence to obtain skins, chromas, accessories, and more! See the full list above.

What is launch exclusivity? How does unvaulting work?

Launch Exclusivity: The initial window of “system exclusivity” for Mythic content wherein content can only be acquired from its release system (e.g. Battle Pass, Mythic Shop, etc)

Unvaulted Mythic Content: Content that's been temporarily made available for crafting through Mythic Essence in the Mythic Shop.

When a Mythic or Limited Skin is first released, it can be unlocked throughout the duration of the Event or promotion. When the promotion ends, it’s removed from the Store and enters the “Loot pool” where it can be re-rolled into or dropped as a reward. “Unvaulting” content is a concept wherein we bring back previously released content in the Mythic Shop so that players can have a chance to unlock it with Mythic Essence, rather than relying on a very lucky Loot drop.

What's the schedule for new Mythic Shop content?

The Mythic Shop's contents are updated every patch, so check back regularly to see if that special something you've been waiting on has rotated in. In early 2025, we'll be updating the Shop to have specific sections and timers to highlight exactly when content is refreshing to make it even easier to plan your visits.

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