Is My League Username Globally Unique? - Check if It Is Here!

We know that changing your League of Legends username can be frustrating (especially if you have multiple accounts). We want to make this process as painless as possible, which is where this article comes in! You’re just a button click away from learning if you are in conflict with another player. (Please remember that PBE IS a live server as well, meaning it CAN be a source of conflict with your League of Legends username).

login: Login

check_accounts_button: Check Username Status

username_text: In regards to the username {user_name}, we see that {total_accounts} accounts have this username globally, with {associated_accounts} being associated with this account.

pbe_associated: One of your associated accounts is on the PBE. So you should change your username on the PBE to free it up for your main account. To change your League of Legends username, go here and be sure to change your region to Public Beta!

pbe_unassociated: One of the accounts is on the PBE. If it is your account, you should change your username on the PBE to free it up for your main account. To change your League of Legends username, go here and be sure to change your region to Public Beta!

no_conflict: Your account is already globally unique! No further action needs to be taken.

resolved: Congrats! Your League of Legends (now Riot!) username is globally unique.

footer: That means it’s time to get in-game! GLHF!

ERROR_PARSING_JWT: Error parsing your session. Please log in again.

SESSION_MISSING: Please log in first.

SESSION_EXPIRED: Too much time has passed. Please log in again.

TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: You have requested data too fast. Please slow down.

RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Our system is under heavy load. Please try again in a few minutes.

UNKNOWN_ERROR: An unknown error has occurred. Please try again.

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