League of Legends Download Links -Mac & PC

Looking for a link to download any of the League of Legends regions on either Mac or PC? Look no further, here lies all the links! 

Mac & PC League of Legends Downloads

NA Server- League of Legends - If you live in the United States or Canada, use this link to go to our download page! 

EU West Server- League of Legends - Summoner's located in Western Europe, download the EU West client here to get the best FPS and ping!

EU North Server- League of Legends - If you live in the Nordic countries, use this download link to get the best ping and FPS while playing.

OCE Server- League of Legends Download- If you are a Summoner located in Australia or New Zealand, choose this server for the best ping.

Brazil Server- League of Legends Download- If you are a Summoner located in Brazil, check out this link to get the Brazilian client. 

Turkey Server- League of Legends Download- If you live in Turkey and want to play League with the best ping, sign up and download the Turkey Server here!

Latin America North Server- League of Legends Download- If you play League anywhere located between Mexico and and Peru, download the Latin America North Server here!

Latin America South Server- League of Legends Download- If you play League anywhere located in Bolivia to Argentina, download the Latin America South Server for the best ping!

Japan Server - League of Legends Download-  Summoners who live in Japan can sign up and download the Japanese LoL servers here! 


See you on the rift!



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