League Voice Chat Troubleshooting

This article will help you troubleshoot some League voice chat problems. Most of these steps should be familiar if you've used voice chat in the past.

Before messing with your hardware, make sure the voice chat settings in the client are set up correctly. Hit the gear button at the top of the client and select the "Voice" section. "Join the voice channel automatically" is disabled by default. If League Voice Chat is your preferred method of talking with your party, enabling this feature will spare you a few clicks each time you party up.


Input Settings

Input mode is set to voice activity by default. Voice activity uses a voice activation threshold. The higher the number is, the louder you'll have to be for chat to hear you. This is meant to reduce background noise, but if you're a quiet person, you should set this percentage lower.

Push to talk lets you hold a button to open the voice channel and be heard.  If you use it, just make sure the button you pick is within easy reach (Sorry, but mouse buttons currently don't work as push-to-talk buttons).

Choose Input Device

You can set the microphone you're using in these settings. The default system device will sync with whatever your recording options are set to. Some setups have built-in microphones, so make sure you're using the right one. You can only set your microphone here, so if you can't hear your friends, you'll need to change your default system device.

If your friends can't hear you, or you can't hear your friends:


  • Right-click on the speaker icon in the lower-right of the taskbar
  • Select the "Recording" tab and check that your primary mic is set as "Default Device"
  • Check that the capture indicator bar on the right moves as you speak. If it doesn't, check your mic (or headset) for a mute button or switch and make sure it's not muted
  • Selected your preferred default device and click on the "Properties" button
  • Click on the "Advanced" tab and make sure that "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" option is unchecked
  • Set the sample rate to 16 bit, 44100Hz
  • Return to the Sound panel and select "Playback" (or just right-click the speaker icon again and click Playback)
  • Check that your preferred speakers or headset is set as "Default Device"
  • Right-click the default device and click "Test." Make sure you can hear sound coming from your speakers or headphones


  • Click on Application and select "System Preferences"
  • Click on "Sound"
  • Select the "Output" tab and make sure your desired headphones or speakers are selected and not muted
  • Select the "input" tab and make sure your preferred microphone is selected and not muted
  • Check that the input level bar reacts when you speak. If it doesn't, check your microphone or headset for a mute button or switch and make sure it's not muted
  • If the speaking indicator still doesn't move, you'll need to check your headset/microphone manufacturer for troubleshooting.

Open Router Ports

In the event the HRT doesn't help and your microphone settings are correct, you may want to open ports on your router to allow voice chat to operate correctly.

Open the following ports to your computer's IP address:

  • TCP - 443 - for Web server (HTTPS)
  • UDP - Choose 50 Ports from 1024 - 65000
    • NOTE: You do not need to open this entire range, just 50 ports within it. For example, you might forward ports 61000-61050.
  • UDP - Ports 6250, 5060 and 5062

Troubleshooting devices and peripherals

If these steps didn't get voice working, you may have an issue with your headset or microphone. Follow these steps before consulting the manufacturer's website for further troubleshooting.

  • Make sure your mic and headset are properly plugged in. Some microphones might require two separate connections, one for the mic and one for the speakers. You should also test different jacks and USB ports.
  • Make sure your headset and microphone aren't muted
  • If the headset has its own volume control, make sure it's not super low
  • Exit all other programs that might be using your mic, and restart League

Specialized router settings

This one's a little complex, but a speciality router setting may be interfering with your voice chat. It's called "Session Initiation Protocol Application Layer Gateway," or SIP ALG. SIP ALG can corrupt traffic, which may cause voice chat to fail. You can download a program here to test for the presence of SIP ALG. After downloading, open the file and accept any permissions your OS may need. Run the test and you'll get a true or false response. If false, you don't need to worry about SIP ALG. If true, turn it off by following your router's documentation to find the setting's location. Some common routers and quick paths to their SIP ALG settings:

Asus: Disable the option "SIP Passthrough" under Advanced Settings / WAN -> NAT Passthrough.

Billion: Check for a SIP ALG option in the NAT or Firewall settings.

D-Link: In "Advanced" -> "Application Level Gateway (ALG) Configuration", un-check the "SIP" option.

DrayTek: For Vigor2760 devices, you can find the option in the regular interface at Network -> NAT -> ALG. Consult documentation for other DrayTek devices.

Huawei: The SIP ALG setting is usually found in the Security menu.

Linksys: Check for a SIP ALG option in the Administration tab under Advanced. If changing this setting doesn't work, you may also need to disable the SPI Firewall option.

Netgear: Look for a "SIP ALG" checkbox in "WAN" settings. Port Scan and DoS Protection should also be disabled. Disable STUN in VoIP phone's settings.

SonicWALL Firewall: Under the VoIP tab, the option "Enable Consistent NAT" should be enabled and "Enable SIP Transformations" unchecked.

Speedtouch: Telnet commands must be used to disable SIP ALG with some Speedtouch routers. Please refer to the manufacturer's support documentation.

Zyxel: Under Network or Advanced -> ALG, uncheck the options "Enable SIP ALG" and "Enable SIP Transformations".

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