League of Legends - Hall of Legends

The 2024 Hall of Legends has officially ended! Whether you just checked out Faker's homage on the Rift or went all-in with the Immortalized Legend Signature upgrades, thank you for joining the celebration.

What is the Hall of Legends (HoL)?

Every year, LoL Esports inducts a pro player into the Hall of Legends to honor their achievements within the sport and game. Each ceremony is accompanied by in-and-out-of-game content highlighting the inductee's accomplishments.

For the inaugural celebration in 2024, we were beyond excited to make our first honoree the Unkillable Demon King himself: Faker.

Which players are eligible for induction into the Hall of Legends?

Any tier one* pros with five cumulative years in tier one competition will be eligible for Hall of Legends. [*Tier One: LCS, LLA, CBLOL, LEC, LPL, LCK, PCS, VCS, LJL]

Choices include both active and retired players, giving present-day pro players the opportunity to be honored and rewarded for their ongoing impact on the sport and game.

How is the Inductee chosen?

A panel of judges representing regional leagues and esports communities vote from a list of candidates based on criteria such as international and regional titles, contributions to the sport and competitive meta, accolades, and more.

Does the winner get some of the Hall of Legends event revenue?

Yep! The inductee and some LoL Esports teams share some of the gross revenue from the Hall of Legends event.

Will future Hall of Legends inductees receive similar offerings in-game?

Our plan is to honor all Hall of Legends inductees with an in-game custom event and cosmetics reflecting their League of Legends career. However, this is something new for us, so while players can expect a pass experience that honors and commemorates each inducted player, the types of cosmetics we create to celebrate their legacy may change as we learn more about what players want to see and collect.

Will each year's HoL content ever come back?

At the moment, each year's HoL content is available for a limited time only and there are no plans to bring it back. This includes no current plans to add previous Hall of Legends cosmetics to loot pools, including rerolls

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