Upcoming Updates
We know how jarring it can be to have your favorite champion changed out of nowhere, so we do our best to keep players updated on any updates (yo dawg, we heard you like updates...and really old memes). Sometimes that means inviting you to vote on the next update, or sharing our progress through a dev blog...
Or by listing upcoming updates on this page!
The King of the Jungle is coming reclaim his crown... The Udyr overhaul is on track for release in 2022, with everything from his abilities to his choice of fashion under scrutiny. See the latest—and what’s next—for our favorite shaman here.
Past Updates
Updates might seem like a dramatic change, but the truth is we've been doing them as long as League's been around. Don't believe us? Just click Details below for a complete list of past updates!
Date | Champion | Type of Update |
6/23/2021 | Tahm Kench | Gameplay |
6/9/2021 | Dr. Mundo | VFX and Gameplay |
5/12/2021 | Kog'Maw | VFX |
4/14/2021 | Rammus | VFX and Gameplay |
3/3/2021 | Hecarim | VFX |
11/24/2020 | Kha'Zix | VFX |
9/2/2020 | Viktor | VFX |
9/2/2020 | Nocturne | VFX |
9/2/2020 | Malzahar | VFX |
7/22/2020 | Udyr | VFX |
7/22/2020 | Ahri | VFX |
6/24/2020 | Singed | VFX |
5/28/2020 | Volibear | VFX and Gameplay |
5/28/2020 | Cassiopeia | VFX |
4/1/2020 | Fiddlesticks | VFX and Gameplay |
3/18/2020 | Wukong | Gameplay |
2/5/2020 | Nautilus | VFX |
2/5/2020 | Malphite | SFX |
2/5/2020 | Annie | VFX |
1/8/2020 | Thresh | VFX |
21/11/2019 | Diana | VFX and Gameplay |
12/11/2019 | Lux | VFX |
8/16/2019 | Pantheon | VFX and Gameplay |
6/11/2019 | Mordekaiser | VFX and Gameplay |
3/6/2019 | Kayle & Morgana | VFX and Gameplay |
10/9/2018 | Ezreal | VFX and Gameplay |
9/28/2018 | Nunu & Willump | VFX and Gameplay |
7/31/2018 | Akali | VFX and Gameplay |
6/27/2018 | Aatrox | VFX and Gameplay |
4/4/2018 | Irelia | VFX and Gameplay |
2/7/2018 | Swain | VFX and Gameplay |
10/10/2017 | Evelynn | VFX and Gameplay |
9/26/2017 | Xin Zhao | Gameplay |
7/26/2017 | Urgot | VFX and Gameplay |
5/3/2017 | Many Champs | Tank Update |
3/21/2017 | Galio | VFX and Gameplay |
1/25/2017 | Warwick | VFX and Gameplay |
11/10/2016 | Many Champs | Assassin Update |
9/8/2016 | Yorick | VFX and Gameplay |
7/13/2016 | Ryze | VFX and Gameplay |
5/4/2016 | Many Champs | Mage Update |
4/19/2016 | Taric | VFX and Gameplay |
1/28/2016 | Shen | Gameplay |
12/10/2015 | Poppy | VFX and Gameplay |
11/10/2015 | Many Champs | Marksman Update |
8/26/15 | Darius | Gameplay |
8/26/15 | Garen | Gameplay |
8/26/15 | Mordekaiser | Gameplay |
8/26/15 | Skarner | Gameplay |
8/5/15 | Fiora | VFX and Gameplay |
7/21/15 | Gangplank | VFX and Gameplay |
7/21/15 | Miss Fortune | VFX and Gameplay |
4/29/15 | Ryze | Gameplay |
4/8/2015 | Morgana | Effects Update |
03/12/2015 | Kassadin | VFX |
02/25/2015 | Zilean | Gameplay |
01/28/2015 | Tristana | VFX and Gameplay |
01/14/2015 | Alistar | VFX |
11/20/2014 | Maokai | VFX |
09/23/2014 | Sion | VFX and Gameplay |
09/09/2014 | Soraka | VFX and Gameplay |
09/09/2014 | Viktor | VFX and Gameplay |
08/26/2014 | Renekton | VFX |
08/26/2014 | Cassiopeia | Gameplay |
07/30/2014 | Sona | Gameplay |
06/18/2014 | Nidalee | Gameplay |
06/04/2014 | Karthus | VFX |
04/22/2014 | Twitch | VFX |
04/02/2014 | Rengar | Gameplay |
04/02/2014 | Gragas | Gameplay |
03/18/2014 | Kassadin | Gameplay |
03/18/2014 | Heimerdinger | VFX |
02/11/2014 | Xerath | Gameplay |
02/11/2014 | Skarner | Gameplay |
12/13/2013 | Anivia | VFX |
11/21/2013 | Nasus | VFX |
10/30/2013 | Heimerdinger | Gameplay |
10/30/2013 | Rammus | VFX |
10/30/2013 | Sivir | VFX and Gameplay |
10/01/2013 | Garen | VFX |
10/01/2013 | Olaf | Gameplay |
07/30/2013 | Master Yi | VFX and Gameplay |
04/29/2013 | Trundle | VFX and Gameplay |
04/29/2013 | Sejuani | VFX and Gameplay |
03/27/2013 | Karma | VFX and Gameplay |
01/31/2013 | Annie | VFX |
12/13/2012 | Nidalee | VFX |
10/16/2013 | Twisted Fate | VFX |
09/24/2012 | Soraka | VFX |
08/14/2012 | Garen | Gameplay |
08/14/2012 | Katarina | VFX and Gameplay |
07/18/2012 | Evelynn | Gameplay |
07/18/2012 | Twitch | Gameplay |
07/18/2012 | Xin Zhao | Gameplay |
05/22/2012 | Ashe | VFX |
01/16/2012 | Jax | Gameplay |
11/28/2011 | Sivir | Gameplay |
07/25/2011 | Tryndamere | VFX and Gameplay |
07/25/2011 | Janna | VFX |
07/25/2011 | Kayle | VFX |
04/25/2011 | Alistar | Gameplay |
04/25/2011 | Fiddlesticks | Gameplay |
04/25/2011 | Gangplank | Gameplay |
02/15/2011 | Ryze | Gameplay |
11/01/2010 | Mordekaiser | Gameplay |
06/07/2010 | Kayle | Gameplay |
What are champion updates?
A champion update is a graphical or kit (gameplay) change that occurs after a champion's initial release. Standard patches are great for fine-tuning established champions, but when a greater adjustment is needed to bring a champ where we want them, it's time for an update!
Why do we have updates?
Gameplay teams routinely work to update champions whose visuals or gameplay don't fit with the current state of the game. Maybe those weird triangle feet haven't aged well, or that brutal point-and-click stun isn't leaving any room for counterplay or skill expression. When it comes to updates, anything from splash art to abilities are fair game for a change.
But that doesn't mean we're out to change the champion entirely! The goal is to level up any outdated visuals or gameplay to make them feel fresh while preserving what makes them unique. In a lot of ways, we just want to make champions more themselves!
What could be updated on a champion?
A champion update could change some or all of the following:
- Abilities
- In-Game Model
- In-Game Audio
- Voice Over (VO) Lines
- Splash Art (this includes skins)
- Lore
Most updates fall into the following categories:
Visual Update |
Gameplay Update |
Can I have a refund for an updated champion?
As mentioned above, we only update champions when their kit, lore, graphics, or all-of-the-above no longer pass the increasingly high bar set with each new champion release. But we also understand die-hard fans who love these champs just the way they are may not want to see any changes at all. That's why we do our best to honor the signature look and abilities that make each unique and exciting. It's also why we're trying to be more upfront and collaborative with our updates, with both our internal teams and players—so that hardcore mains can play a role in crafting their one-trick's new style. Given all these factors, we believe each new updated champion is a fair trade made in everybody's best interest, and therefore not subject to refunds beyond the normal rules governing purchases made within 14 days.