Reward (BE/XP) System Breakdown

RP, BE, and XP

Normal PvP and Ranked Games

Custom Games

Co-op vs. AI Games

Daily Missions


Leveling Rewards


RP, BE, and XP

  • RP (Riot Points)

    can only be obtained by purchasing them in the store or receiving an RP gift from a friend. You may use RP to purchase most things in the store.
  • BE (Blue Essence)

    can be earned through leveling, champion mastery, Honor, or other sources. BE can be used to craft champions in Loot or purchase them in the store. Blue essence can also be used to upgrade certain rare emotes and champion mastery levels
  • XP (Experience Points)

    give you progress towards leveling up, and they can be earned by playing games in League of Legends or by completing certain missions. When you level up, you will earn reward capsules which usually contain champion shards or Blue Essence. (Champion shards can also be disenchanted into Blue Essence if you don’t want to upgrade them.) As of preseason 2018, there is no longer a level cap. Please note: The minimum time any game needs to last to be eligible for XP rewards is 7 minutes.


Normal PvP and Ranked PvP Games

The XP system in League of Legends rewards Summoners based on the time spent played in a game. On average, a 30 minute win will earn approximately 204 XP, and a 30 minute loss will earn approximately 167 XP.


Custom Games

Custom games are not eligible to earn XP.


Co-op vs. AI Games

Summoners gain a percentage of base XP gain based on their level in Co-op Vs. AI games


  • Level 1-9: Bots grant 100% XP.
  • Level 10-19: Bots grant 90% XP.
  • Level 20-29: Bots grant 80% XP (65% after 180 minutes each day).
  • Level 30: Bots grant 75% XP (55% after 180 minutes each day).


Daily Missions

There is a daily 'First Win of the Day' mission which adds 400 XP + 50 BE to your reward, which unlocks at level 15. This bonus is set to a 20 hour cycle/reset as opposed to a calendar day.

Keep in mind that you are able to complete daily missions only in game modes with a matchmaking queue. This means that you cannot earn it in Custom games.


XP Boosts

Boosts are available for purchase with RP in the store. There are two different types of boosts available in League of Legends --- ‘Days’ and ‘Per Win’ boosts. Any XP boost you purchase is automatically extended when there's planned server downtime.

  • ‘Days’ based boosts double the base XP earned from a game. For example if you earned 150 XP, a day boost would add an additional 150 XP boost to your account for a total of 300 XP.
  • ‘Per Win’ boosts add a flat amount of around 210 XP per game. The time played in a game does not affect this boost’s reward.


Leveling Rewards

You'll earn unique rewards each level from 1-30; after that, you'll earn champion capsules with each level and special milestone rewards for certain levels.

We're also trying out a daily play reward for new players! The level-up rewards have been split into level-up rewards and daily login rewards. Please note that these rewards are only available until level 20, so you won't be able to claim them all if you level up too quickly during the first week.

Here's the new swag:

New daily play rewards
Day Login rewards Champion choice (Choose 1)
1 Marksman champion + Hextech Chest Tristana, Caitlyn, Ezreal
2 Fighter/Bruiser champion + 3 key fragments Illaoi, Riven, Garen
3 Mage champion + XP boost (3-day) + Hextech chest Seraphine, Morgana, Ziggs
4 Control champion + Hextech key Sona, Thresh, Nami
5 Assassin champion + Hextech chest Ekko, Fizz, Talon
6 6300 Blue Essence -
7 Skin Shard + Orange Essence Waterloo Miss Fortune + 500 Orange Essence


Level rewards 1-30
Level Content BE value OE value
2 450 BE + Pick one: Lux, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Brand, Darius 900  
3 450 BE 450  
4 450 BE 450  
5 450 BE 450  
6 900 BE 900  
7 Poro Pal emote + 900 BE 900 350
8 Random Ward Skin permanent + 900 BE 900 640
9 900 BE 900  
10 New Rune Page + 900 BE 7200  
11 Random 1350 shard, 130 BE 400  
12 450 BE 450  
13 450 BE 450  
14 500 BE 500  
15 Random 4800 shard 960  
16 500 BE 500  
17 500 BE 500  
18 Two random 1350 shards 540  
19 600 BE 600  
20 Random 4800 shard + random icon permanent 960 250
21 600 BE 600  
22 Random 3150 shard, 20 BE 650  
23 725 BE 725  
24 725 BE 725  
25 Random 4800 shard + random ward skin permanent 960 640
26 725 BE 725  
27 Random 450 shard + random 3150 shard 720  
28 725 BE 725  
29 Random 450 shard + random 3150 shard 720  
30 Glorious Champion Capsule 2120  

Past level 30
Every level: Champion Capsule
Every 10 levels: Glorious Champion Capsule
Level Milestone Emote Extras
40 Legend 1 Emote  
50 Legend 2 Emote Random Summoner icon or ward skin
75 Legend 3 Emote Random Summoner icon or ward skin
100 Legend 4 Emote Glorious Legend ward skin
125 Legend 5 Emote  
150 Legend 6 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
175 Legend 7 Emote  
200 Legend 8 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
225 Legend 9 Emote  
250 Legend 10 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
275 Legend 11 Emote  
300 Legend 12 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
325 Legend 13 Emote  
350 Legend 14 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
375 Legend 15 Emote  
400 Legend 16 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
425 Legend 17 Emote  
450 Legend 18 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
475 Legend 19 Emote  
500 Legend 20 Emote 10 Mythic Essence
550   10 Mythic Essence
600   10 Mythic Essence
600-999 Repeats 500-600


Past level 1000
Every level: Champion Capsule
Every 50 levels: Glorious Capsule (with 10 Mythic Essence upon opening)

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