Riot Account Names FAQ

What is the difference between my Username and my Riot ID?

Your Username is what you use to sign into your account, both on the website and in-client. No one is able to view this name except for you (well, you and Player Support Agents), and therefore it is important to keep this private. Your Login Username must be globally unique, meaning you're the only one in the world with that name. If you want to learn more about usernames, check our Globally Unique Username FAQ.

Your Riot ID is what your friends will see in-game. This is the display name that you will be known by on screen and in friend lists. Unlike your login username, your Riot ID can be changed. Changes to your display names will not affect your username or the way you log in.

How do I change my Riot ID or Username?

See our guide on Changing Your Riot ID for everything you need to know.

Usernames (login names) cannot be changed. If you feel that you have an extraordinary case for a one-time exception, reach out to Player Support, but just know that they usually won’t be able to change it.

What will happen to my friends list if I change my Riot ID?

You will remain on all of your friends' lists under your new display name. Be sure to let your friends know you've changed your name!

What are the basic rules for Riot IDs?

  • All display names must be appropriate and abide by the Terms of Use. There is a filter that will eliminate most inappropriate names or names that include profanity, but ultimately it is up to you to choose an acceptable name.
  • Names must be at least 3 characters long and no more than 16 characters long.
  • No player name can include the word "Riot" in it. (This includes variations we need to squint at, like RÍot.)
  • Your name should not contain personally identifying information (like your real name or address). If a name is found to contain this info, it may be subject to change by Riot.
  • Attempting to impersonate or pretend to be an eSports professional is not acceptable, even if the system allows the name to be selected. If found, these names may be changed.

For more general info on Riot IDs, see our Riot ID FAQ.

What happens to my name if I don't log in for a long time??

The rest of your account is perfectly safe if you don't log in for a long time (although your League standing will decay), but extended periods of inactivity can flag your account.

  • Riot ID - Since tags give even the most common names thousands of possible variants, Riot IDs can't be lost due to inactivity.
  • Riot Account - If your account as a whole is deemed inactive, it may be subject to deletion. See We’re Deleting Some Very Inactive Accounts.

Inappropriate Riot IDs

You probably know an inappropriate name when you see it (or think of it). If you've got one, we'll flag it to be renamed. If you see one, report it after your game. If you're not sure whether a name crosses the line, Submit a Ticket below, and we'll check it out. Here's a rough list of what we consider inappropriate:

  • Implied or blatant hate speech, offense, harm, violence, or harassment towards individuals or an identity group (e.g. cultural, racial, gender, social, religious, political, national, and so on)
  • Explicitly attacking social causes or political views
  • Sexual content that is violent, obscene, criminal, or vulgar
  • Profanity and referencing hard drugs or underage illegal anything

These offenses will be flagged in Riot IDs and any other customizable text that can be viewed by another player or by a Player Support Agent.

Remember: Just because you're not offended by a name, doesn't mean it's not offensive or inappropriate. References, puns, and wordplay are great, but if they're attempts at sneaking some offensive language, we'll flag it. If we change your name and you don't think it was offensive, let us know, and we'll talk.

If we do require you to change your Riot ID, make sure to choose wisely! Repeated reports will result in a penalty to either your account or your honor, so make sure to pick an appropriate Riot ID.

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