LoL - Refund Policy

Change your mind about a purchase and looking to get a refund? Well, you've come to the right place! Below you'll learn what is and isn't refundable, and find other handy info when it comes to getting a refund.

What You Can and Can't Refund

Unless any applicable laws require otherwise, refunds are only available for content that meets these three conditions:

1) The content is unused
2) The content was purchased no more than 14 days ago
3) The content is on the list of refundable content below

Refundable and Non-Refundable Content



  • Champions
  • Emotes
  • Individual Chromas
  • Skins
  • Ward skins
  • Chroma packs*
  • Rune pages*
  • Summoner icons*
  • Summoner name changes (if your previous name hasn't been taken)*
  • Account transfers
  • Boosts
  • Bundles
  • Chests
  • Earned content
  • Event passes
  • Gifts (sent or received)
  • Hextech inventory (such as keys, chests, and shards)
  • Promotional items

*You won't be able to get a refund on these through the client—just send us a ticket, and we can do it for you!

Refund Tokens

Refund tokens are an additional way to request a refund on eligible League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics content, and have their own specific set of rules.


You don't need a refund token if you're requesting a refund on eligible unused content within 14 days of purchase.

Refund Token Rules

  • Each League account comes with three refund tokens.
  • Refund tokens may be used to receive a refund on:
    • Eligible unused content 14–90 days of purchase
    • Eligible used content within 90 days of purchase
  • Refunds will be for the same amount and currency you used to make the initial purchase. For example, if you buy a champion on sale for RP, you'll get the sale price refunded in RP even if it's not on sale anymore.
  • You can have a max of three refund tokens at one time. You'll regain one refund token each year if you have less than three.
  • Once you use a refund token, it's gone. There are no refund tokens for refund tokens.

Special Content Refunds

Some items can't be refunded through the client. But if you send us a ticket, we can do it for you! Here's the list of stuff you'll need us for:

  • Rune pages: One page per token (unless you bought a bundle)
  • Summoner name changes: Only refundable if your previous name hasn't been taken!
  • Summoner icons
  • Chromas: Full packs are one token, as are individually-purchased chromas


I just made a purchase that should be refundable, but the refund option isn’t available. What should I do?

If your recent purchase is included in the “Refundable” column above but isn’t showing as refundable in-client, we suggest waiting awhile (~15–30 minutes) and restarting your client. If your content still doesn’t seem to be refundable after that time, send us a ticket and we’ll get you sorted!

I don't like a champion's update, and I want to refund some/all content I own for them.

Unfortunately, we're not refunding any content based on champion updates. We try to be open about when we're making significant changes to champions. To learn more about why we have this policy and to keep abreast of updates, be sure to keep an eye on our schedule!

My account was hacked and someone made a bunch of purchases/used my refunds!

That's the worst! First, make sure your email account's secure—change your password and set up two-factor authorization, if you can. Then, go here to learn how you can recover your account. Try not to worry about your League content. We'll reverse any purchases made during an account compromise, including spent refund tokens.

How do I get more refund tokens?

You'll get one new token each year up to a max of three.

I accidentally purchased something! Do I need to use my refund token?

As long as you haven't used the content, you can refund it yourself without a token as long as it falls within the list of things you can refund. If it can't be refunded through the client, send us a ticket and we'll refund it for you.

What constitutes "used content?"

We consider content "used" if you've used it in a game (even a custom or bot game). If you're refunding something that counts as unused content, you won't see a warning that you're using one of your refund tokens.

For more information, including info on real money refunds for RP, check out our full refund policy.

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