Low Frame Rate (Lag)

Lag can come from anywhere, but it's usually the result of a few main issues. These general approaches are intended to resolve some simple but persistent sources of lag.

Make sure your PC meets the minimum system requirements

You can find the requirements here. If your computer doesn't meet the recommended specs, you're going to experience at least some lag.

Lower your graphics settings

If you're lagging before a crash, lowering your graphics settings can improve your experience.

  • Enter a custom game
  • Press Escape and select "Video"
  • Adjust the following settings:
    • Settings: Custom
    • Resolution: Match desktop resolution
    • Character Quality: Very Low
    • Environment Quality: Very Low
    • Shadows: No Shadow
    • Effects Quality: Very Low
    • Frame Rate Cap: 60 FPS
    • Wait for Vertical Sync: Unchecked
    • Anti-Aliasing: Unchecked
  • You can also adjust several "Interface" options:
    • Uncheck "Enable HUD animations"
    • Uncheck "Show Target Frame on attack"
    • Uncheck "Enable Line Missile Display"
    • Uncheck "Show Attack Range"

Make sure to test any changes in a custom game first!

Update your graphics card drivers

Video card driver updates include vital bug fixes and optimizations to keep the hardware on par with the games it's trying to run. The process for updating graphics cards changes based on the manufacturer, so the first step is to identify your card:

  • Press [Windows Key] + R (this will open up a "Run" window)
  • Type "dxdiag" and hit Enter
  • Select the Display tab
  • You'll see the name and manufacturer of your card in the top left corner of the window

NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel are the three most common graphics card manufacturers. You can find programs that will automatically update your drivers for those companies here:

Prevent hardware overheating

An overheating processor, video card, or laptop can cause lag and game crashes as a game progresses. You can use a program like HWMonitor to see how hot your components get during use. Let the program run during a League game and check the "Max" temperature column for each piece of hardware. If any temperature rises above 80 celsius (176 fahrenheit), we recommend investing in a new cooling system. You should also make sure your fans and vents are clean with a can of compressed air.

Check your network connection

It's possible a disrupted network connection is the source of your lag. You can take a few simple steps to make sure your network is operating at peak:

  • If you're using wi-fi, set up a wired internet connection
  • Close any connection-heavy programs, such as music, voice chat, or video streaming services

Still having issues?

If you've done all this and you're still experiencing lag, send us a ticket and we'll take a closer look. Make sure to use the Hextech Repair Tool to gather logs and attach the file to your ticket.

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